Planning a wedding in 6 months

on June 08, 2023
Planning a wedding in 6 months


Are you trying to plan a wedding in 6 months? You may have heard that it is an impossible task, but the truth is that, with a good organization and some additional tips you can do it.

Everything will depend on things like your budget, the month of the year you would like to get married and in general what is closer between what you dream and what you can really achieve.

Take advantage of these tips we have prepared for you and achieve your ideal wedding in 6 months without failures or setbacks.


6 month wedding planning timeline

We create a detailed timeline for each monthly period, to which you can add your own blocks or eliminate some others if you think you don't need it. With this timeline, no matter if you are at zero and only 6 months till the wedding, you will have everything ready.


6 months until the wedding

Six months is the minimum period for many things so we will focus on the basics of the ceremony and celebration, it will be a month to plan and coordinate ahead before acting.



The first thing we have to agree on is the budget for the wedding, this will define the capacity for the guests, the type of locations we can book, the attires, the suppliers... In short, the budget is everything, so it should be the first thing to define.

Consider whether you and your partner have what you need for the wedding of your dreams and whether your parents or other special people will actively participate in the budget (and exactly how much).

If you dream of including special elements such as your favorite live band or an exclusive location, include that in the budget as a starting item so you know how much that "extra" will mean in terms of numbers.


Guest list

Another important variable after the budget is the number of guests, so before proceeding it is best to make a preliminary list, leaving room for possible names that tend to appear frequently over the course of the days.


The Venue

The best venues for ceremonies often have long reservation lists of up to a year, so try to reserve a special place as far in advance as possible (if you don't already have one).

This doesn't mean that you can't get one within 6 months, but you should look as far in advance as possible.

Be creative and try dates other than Saturday, which is the date that sells out first, also check with different places such as a restaurant with good space to see if it fits what you are looking for.


Think about attire

Wedding suits and dresses often take up to more than a year to get ready, as they are usually custom made.

This is not to say that in 6 months you can't find a beautiful outfit that will leave everyone dazzled, it's just that you should be prepared for the idea of dresses without the possibility of alterations and bridal stores with "ready to wear" services.

In some cases, considerable additional fees are charged for expediting the process, so don't be surprised if this is the case. It's definitely an issue you'll want to get taken care of as soon as possible.


Start searching for your suppliers

By the middle of the month at the latest, you should be checking out your top suppliers, looking at their work and comparing rates. As you know, the best suppliers tend to have long booking lists so it never hurts to look ahead of time.

Don't despair, this search won't be over in a week or even a couple of months, but it's part of the process. Start with the vital components such as the photographer, florists, band (or DJ), cooks and bakers.


5 months to the wedding

With five months to go until the wedding, the groundwork for the ceremony should already be in place and the vendors well on their way, or at least you'll have a clear idea of what you need to get everything in place, so now is the time to make key decisions that will get you closer to your goal.


Wedding jewelry

Many couples leave wedding jewelry until last, don't let that happen to you. Choosing wedding bands is a very important task because unlike other elements of your celebration a wedding band will still be with you after the wedding.

Choosing your wedding rings ahead of time ensures that you can measure them in advance in case you need to make any changes and create a beautiful engraving. If you haven't chosen one we have some good ideas to guide you.


Consider incorporating a gift of jewelry for your wedding party and other important items such as cufflinks, brooches, diamond necklaces and bracelets.


Consider hiring a consultant

When planning a wedding with such a short time frame having contacts and professional expertise to help you open many closed doors, plan timelines, schedules and deal with vendors can be a real relief.

If you find all the work required to get everything in place a bit overwhelming, don't feel bad, it's completely understandable, the best option for you might be to consider the services of a wedding consultant.


Choose the Court of Honor

The people who will be part of your walk down the aisle may need to know ahead of time that they will be walking down the aisle, remember that, although they may not have to prepare as much as the bride and groom, they will need to arrange their own details such as attire or dresses in the case of the bridesmaids.

Also, remember that the job of the members of the wedding party is to assist you as much as they can, so having an extra pair of willing hands will be magical.

If you need help or want more information about Court of Honor read or article: Matron of Honor vs Maid of Honor: Can I Have Both?


4 months to the wedding

With four months to go until the wedding, it's time to put future plans aside and start crossing things off the to-do list, confirming reservations and clearing as much of the picture as you can. Make it concrete, make it concrete, and make it concrete.


Menu and pastry tests

Getting good chefs to cater the dinner can become a bit tricky if you are short on time, the same with wedding cake makers who have endless waiting lists.
Consult with the budget and find a reasonable menu for the number of guests and test to define the taste of your cake.

This is a seemingly simple decision, but you'd be surprised at the number of options when the time comes, so decide early.


Consolidate vendors

With four months to go before the wedding, it's time to close deals, confirming with vendors already contracted and agreeing on any other outstanding services. It can be stressful, but don't give up.


Consider whether you'll need to book rooms

If your wedding has a considerable amount of guests coming from out of town you may need to book some block of rooms at a nearby hotel, this will considerably decrease the cost of accommodation if you do it with enough time.


Think about the honeymoon

The ceremony is very important, we understand that, but you really need to leave time to mull over the honeymoon. See this as part of the wedding, only reserved for the newlyweds.

Remember that going on a trip requires plane tickets, hotel reservations and so on. You can also choose affordable destinations, such as a road trip to some beautiful natural scenery nearby.


3 months to the wedding

With three months to go until the wedding, the to-do list is completely closed and it's time to confirm all the details much more aggressively than before. The wedding is almost a done deal and time is running out.


Finalize and send the invitations

Between 8 and 12 weeks before the wedding you need to have the model of the cards chosen, the guest list closed and if possible, sent to their respective destinations.

This is enough time for the guests to prepare and at this point the ceremony should be partially materialized.

If you have doubts or problems with the invitations read our Guide to Wedding Invitation Wording.


Marriage License

Marriage licenses are an indispensable requirement to make the union legal. So don't let the calendar go any further and check with the county clerk about the procedure necessary to acquire one.


Hair and makeup trial

Three months is a good time for you to explore styles, consult with makeup artists and wedding stylists about potential hairstyles, cuts or special applications you may want to make to your hair in advance.

Purchasing shoes, jewelry and other items to completely close out your wardrobe is also advisable.


2 months to the wedding

With two months to go until the wedding everything should be practically ready, so it's a good time to calm your nerves, take a deep breath and re-evaluate the details to make sure you haven't overlooked anything.


Bachelorette party

Although this celebration does not mean the same for everyone, you need a bachelorette party with your close friends and bridesmaids. This helps calm the nerves and enjoy the process. Better one or two months before than the week of the wedding.


Thank You Notes

If you are thinking of writing personalized thank you notes to give to attendees, along with favors, gifts and such, this is a good place to start.


Music playlist

If you plan to have a musical arrangement for your entrance and first dance with your partner as a married couple, it is a good time to choose the songs, as well as for the exit and during the ceremony if you require a personalized playlist.


Preparations for the entrance/exit

Two months before the wedding, it is advisable to review the protocol with your partner, in case you wish to add a symbolic act for the entrance or exit of the reception venue, whether for cultural or religious reasons.

This will give you time to fine tune details and prepare what is needed.


1 month to the wedding

The last month before the wedding is the most chaotic of all and it is where the stress load skyrockets. Take a breather and control the situation as much as you can. If you're feeling overwhelmed, don't be afraid to delegate duties, you're not alone.


Confirm suppliers and reservations

Although we've already done it, it never hurts to do it. Reconfirm locations and all vendors, from photographers to the DJ. It may seem annoying to chase down the caterers, but it's your special day not theirs.


Make a seating chart

By now your guests should have RSVP'd for the wedding, so you can plan the seating chart.


Pack for the honeymoon

With a month or less before the wedding, you'll want to have everything for the honeymoon finalized, along with the luggage ready, because you're supposed to leave after the wedding.


Fine-tune any outstanding details

Finally, spend the last few days fine-tuning important details and talking as much as you can with family members, who can give you another perspective on things you're missing and may have forgotten.


On the day of the wedding

Creating a timeline for the wedding day, together with your attendants or bridesmaids, is the best way to ensure that everything goes exactly as you have always dreamed, so it is never a bad thing to do.

If you are interested, we have prepared a special timeline that can serve as a template for you to make your own timeline.


Can you plan a wedding in 5 months?

Although we have mentioned on several occasions that 6 months is the minimum time for many things when it comes to wedding planning, this doesn't mean that you can't do it in less time. You can pull off a great wedding if you have the resources, but it all depends on what you want to accomplish.

1 comment
by Four J Events Club on April 20, 2022

I read your post and i really like it,Thanks for sharing useful information.


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